Monday, June 15, 2009

Back to Blog

Wow. I haven't written in a long time. Everyone that I work with now seems to have a blog, so I guess that maybe has rubbed off on me a bit. I'm not sure if my life is interesting enough to post somewhere, but here it goes. Maybe I'll start writing on more of a regular basis again.
Alright, so I'm auditioning for American Idol next week. I auditioned a few years ago for Season 2 and got a call back. Let's hope I get one this time, too! So, I'm trying to decide what to sing. I'm not quite sure yet what I'll be singing, but I have a few ideas. I'm also open to suggestions. If you are someone that has stumbled upon this blog and you actually read this entry, feel free to suggest something!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I've decided that I can definitely be a boring person; that or I'm a lazy blogger. Either way, I have not posted a new entry in quite some time. Updates since my last post: 1. My parents visited a couple of weeks ago and we had a great time having them visit. We saw the Aquarium, they got to see a lot of the projects Joe is working on, and they got to see where I work. We had a blast! 2. We're going to a wedding next weekend. Our friends from NYC, Andy and Candice, are getting married. We're very excited for them!

Ok see, that's it. Aside from those two things I'm pretty boring. But you know what, I like it. I'm never bored, just not exciting to other people, and for right now I like the consistency. I know that God is moving in my life and I'm right where He wants me right now. It's pretty cool to be there.

Not a terribly long post. Just enough to last until the next time I think of something cool to put on here. Oh wait here's something...if you haven't checked out my husbands blog or promo for an awesome event with The Amp then you have to see this...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Post

Ok, ok, I know. It's been like two months since I've had a new blog post. I am fully aware of this and my only response to that is that my life is so full of other stuff I don't have time for blog posts...or I'm just a lazy blogger (if I can even call myself a blogger).

Here's the update to get caught up:

1. My brother got married on June 14th to the best sister-in-law I could ever ask for. The wedding was beautiful and funny side story, it was a beach wedding and it was scheduled to rain that day. The rain totally held out for the ceremony, but as soon as everyone went inside for the reception it started to downpour harder than I think I've ever seen in CT. Praise God for holding out the weather for a beautiful wedding.

2. I hit a dog on June 23rd. It was the most traumatic experience I've had driving or riding in a car. There was nothing I could've done, so it wasn't my fault, but I still felt horrible. I stopped the car right after it happened and ran over to the dog who had managed to pull himself off of the busy road. He wagged his tail at me and licked my hand which made me feel better and worse at the same time. Joe was with me in the car and very supportive. The owners called about half an hour after we got back on the road and told me the dog didn't make it. Also, our car was in the shop for two weeks to be fixed.

3. When I hit the dog, I was on my way to KidStuf auditions at Northpoint Church. I wouldn't have gone if Joe hadn't been in the car with me, but he drove the rest of the way and held my hand and helped me feel better. He even brought the car to a Honda dealership to be looked at while I was in the auditions and then walked two miles to meet up with me. We got a ride home from a friend.
The audition I think went pretty good considering the circumstances. I had a great scene partner and the people at the audition were very nice. They didn't end up having a role for me, but the whole experience was fun and I'm excited I was even considered.

4. Joe is working at Northpoint a lot now, which is very exciting for him. He loves being a part of the team up there and loves the work that he does there. I'm very proud of him for working so hard at Northpoint and on all of the other projects he has going on.

5. I'm enjoying my work as well. Southside has been great and exciting because there is so much going on right now. There is a lot of construction happening on the new wing they're building here. Everyday more is done with the construction and it's cool to see the church grow so fast. I enjoy my job and I'm learning new things everyday which is also very exciting. The more I learn, the better I get (at least that's my hope).

That's about it in my life that's new and crazy. I hope I post more frequently, but who knows. If you're reading this blog thanks for sticking around, even when I don't post for a while!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Yesterday at Southside

Chrystina Fincher led worship at Southside. It is not a secret to most of my friends that I have a huge girl crush on her. (My husband knows and he's ok with it.) To tell the truth, I really think she's a great worship leader and is a great role model for any woman who is involved in worship at church. She really engages the congregation and leads them into a great time of worship to God. Off the stage she is no different. She is friendly to everyone and when I went to thank her and her band for coming down to lead worship everyone just thanked me right back for having them down to play.

As a woman who wants to eventually be singing on a church stage (even if it's BGV's) meeting Chrystina Fincher and the rest of her band and watching them lead worship was an inspiration. In my opinion it can be harder as a female worship leader to have the same effect when leading a congregation in worship as a male worship leader. For both men and women, not only does the worship have to be about God and not yourself performing on a stage, but you also have to live your life in a way that is holy and pleasing to the Lord. Otherwise your focus can be off and the worship is not genuine. It takes a lot of work and there is probably a consistent struggle of pride for many worship leaders. Meeting someone who I look up to as a role model and finding out that she has her focus on God and her pride in check was (like I said before) an inspiration.

Thanks so much to Chrystina and her band for coming down to Southside and leading worship for us!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


It has been a long time since I've been a part of a worship service that has not only mad me cry, but has made me sob and pour my heart out to God and feel His presence not only in the room, but in the life of every single person in the room. Last night at the Drive conference here in GA was one of those worship nights.

It was the kind of worship session that made you realize that even if you work in a church and go to Bible study and attend every Sunday service that you possibly can you haven't been paying enough attention to God, your Creator... And then you realize that even though you haven't been paying attention to God and spending enough time with Him, He's been paying attention to you... And this thought makes you want to fall to your knees because you realize how not worthy you are to have the Almighty God care so much about you that He has blessed you with everything you could possibly want in life. That was Monday night for me this past week.

Today was a great day at Drive too. It was lots of fun and very educational and the whole night ended with a concert from the Bethany Dick Band and.......... a comedy show by Jeff Foxworthy!!! It was supposed to be a surprise, but I heard through the grape vine in advance what it was going to be and that made me even more excited!

Back to Monday, after the conference was over for the night, Joe and I, along with Tim Elrod, got together with a whole bunch of bloggers. We took a group picture and everything and found out the next day that Carlos Whittaker posted a link to all of the blogs that were represented at the get together that night. This means that I might be getting a few more readers than I'm used to. I've gotta say, I'm a little excited. I hadn't gone public with my blog yet, and I guess this is probably a great way to get more readers. Thanks to Carlos for posting an entry with my blog link!

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Just a short post to keep up:

-against all better judgment I finally caved to Twitter
-Sundays can be quite long
-Sundays can be quite rewarding
-Drive conference this week
-I love my husband!

That's about it. Sorry there's not more to be fun with. I will come up with a better post when I have more sleep in my system.
